My Story
For as long as I can remember, I have been someone others could count on. I showed up, I listened, I gave, and I made sure that everyone around me felt supported. I took pride in being that person. But somewhere along the way, without even realizing it, I lost sight of myself. My love for others came so naturally, but my love for myself was conditional. It depended on how much I could give, how well I could meet the needs of those around me, and how much I could hold everything together. I did not recognize that while I was showing up for everyone else, I was abandoning myself.
On the outside, everything looked fine. I had a beautiful family, I had reasons to be happy, and I knew how to keep moving forward. But beneath the surface, I was struggling. I carried a deep sadness I could not explain, an emptiness that followed me no matter how much I gave or how much love surrounded me. My depression ran deeper than I understood at the time, and in my darkest moments, I questioned whether I even wanted to keep going. I had spent years searching for answers, hoping that if I just did more or became more, the ache inside me would disappear. What I did not realize was that my pain was not a personal failure. It was the weight of unprocessed emotions, inherited patterns, and a mindset shaped by generations before me. I was carrying burdens that were never mine to hold.
Everything shifted when my older daughter was preparing to start school, with her little sister not far behind. I wanted them to walk into this new chapter with confidence, so I started teaching them about affirmations, self-worth, and the power of their voices. Every morning, we stood in front of the mirror together, repeating words of love and strength. I had been practicing these affirmations with them for a while, yet something inside me felt unsettled. Instead of feeling empowered as I guided them through these words, I felt triggered. I did not understand why. The more I encouraged them to believe in themselves, the more something inside me resisted.
And then it hit me.
I was being triggered because I was teaching them something I had never truly believed for myself. I was asking them to embrace a self-love that had never been instilled in me. I wanted them to know they were enough, but deep down, I still felt like I had to earn my worth. I had spent so much of my life giving to others, believing that love was something I had to prove rather than something I inherently deserved. That realization was my awakening.
For the first time, I saw clearly that my daughters would not learn self-love just because I told them they were worthy. They would learn it by watching me embody it. If I wanted them to carry confidence and self-worth into the world, I had to show them what that looked like. I had to heal, not just for myself, but for them. More than anything, I knew I had to change the narrative. I was no longer willing to pass down the same patterns that had kept me small, silent, and disconnected from my own worth. My mission became clear. I was going to do the inner work so that my daughters and future generations would never have to question their value in the way that I had.
That realization led me on the journey that changed everything. I committed to facing the wounds I had long buried, to regulating my emotions rather than being consumed by them, and to shedding the beliefs that had never served me. I rewrote the stories that had shaped my identity and reclaimed a love for myself that was no longer dependent on how much I could give. As I did, something incredible happened. My daughters stood taller, their voices grew stronger, and I watched them embrace their self-worth with a confidence I had never known at their age. At the same time, I witnessed my own parents soften and grow, letting go of mindsets and patterns that never served us. My healing was not just mine. It was a ripple effect, transforming the generations before and after me.
I did not wake up one day and decide to become a life coach. This work is not just what I do. It is who I am. My journey of pulling myself out of the depths of depression, rewiring my thoughts, and learning to love myself became the foundation for the work I do today. But unlike before, my work no longer comes from a place of needing to prove my worth. I no longer equate my value with how much I can give. I help others not because I have to, but because it is my purpose. I set boundaries. I honor my energy. I give from a place of abundance rather than obligation. And because of that, the work I do is more powerful than ever.
I believe that every challenge, every hardship, and every moment of doubt was preparing me for something greater. The struggles that once made me feel small became the lessons that gave me strength. The pain I carried for so long became the very thing that allowed me to step into my purpose. Every step of my journey has led me here, to a life that is no longer about survival, but about creation. A life where self-love is no longer a concept, but a way of being.
If you have found yourself here, know that it is not by chance. You are not lost. You are not broken. You are standing at the edge of something new, something powerful, something life-changing. The love, the peace, and the healing you seek are already within you, waiting to be reclaimed. I would be honored to walk this journey with you.